As a small charity your support is invaluable in helping us to give a much-needed platform to talented, young British musicians.

Each live concert staged by Bath Recitals costs thousands of pounds to stage and even with good ticket sales, our concert income falls short of our expenditure. 

Your support will help to ensure we can continue to give rising young musicians an opportunity to perform live in front of audiences from Bath and the surrounding area.

Young soprano Eleonore Sian Cockerham is a rising star in the British classical world and with the help of our supporters was able to perform at our August 2023 concert

You can make a donation online – see below. Please do get in touch with us if you would like to donate a different amount to the options below or you want to discuss other ways you can support our valuable work.

Thank you for your supporting Bath Recitals and we look forward to welcoming you soon to one of our concerts.